viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

Short History with collocations

Last week I went on a trip to Puerto arista. Me and my family were staying at a good friend of my dad’s cabin so he told us to come prepared because the cabin didn´t have a refrigerator, TV, microwave etc. so we needed to bring artifacts that replaced this machines. Even tough we had a rough time trying to survive with out all of this machines, we still had a good time everyday and just to save time we used some ATVs the owner had to  go all along the beach side, it was a good experience and experience helped me to understand that you can survive and have a good time without modern machines.

Essay on the importance of trees

Trees are directly responsible for the evapotranspiration of the water reaching the atmosphere through rain . The Amazon rainforest has its own weather system, where disturbances can arise and fall back, in the form of rain, entirely in your geographical area .
Trees protect the soil, heavy rains too . The foliage of the trees , fragment drops, and significantly reduce its rate of fall , limiting the damage that could produce rain .
The trees are large storers of water, both in its visible part , and in its underground part . The roots of the trees, are tiny channels ,allowing the rain water penetrate the soil, where it is storing.
Trees play the role umbrella , to protect an entire flora and fauna, without them , could not survive
Like , trees can play an invaluable role in regulating temperatures , decreasing , importantly , thermal amplitude between day and night. (if no trees in the desert, why is it so hot, at noon,and so cold in the morning )
For wildlife,the trees provide them shelter , food, medicines etc .